Ads/Content Import

Take a look here to learn about content.

You can import ads or contents via a CSV (comma separated) or TSV (tab separated) file. Your CSV file should contain one header row (the names of the columns don't matter, but the order does).

Example screenshot

Your file should contain 5 columns in this specific order.

  • identifier (optional)
  • text
  • page numbers (optional)
  • size (optional)
  • shape (optional)

The identifier (1st column) is a unqiue ID that you assign to that piece of content (or ad). It can be anything as long as it is unique for that flatplan. This is useful if you want to reupload the same CSV file in the case of additional or updated content. That way content that you have already uploaded with that identifier will be updated, and content with a new identifier will be created.

If you leave off the identifier field, and you reupload the same file, you will get errors saying that the content already exists.

The text column (2nd column) is the content text you want to place onto one or more of your pages. If you want to place the same content on several pages, you can also have one line per placment. If you want to change the text in your CSV file and reupload, make sure that you assign a unique identifier to that row, else you will end up with a duplication error message.

The page numbers column (the 3rd column) is a semi-colon separated list of page numbers that you would like to place the content text onto. So if you want to place the text onto pages 3 and 8, then that column should have the value 3;8. If your page numbering on your flatplan uses Cover and IFC for example, then you can use those as your page numbers too. Or if you just want to give an indication, a page number could also be middle, or somewhere near the end. Or you can just leave it off. It is just a guide for you.

Some ads need to be placed multiple times, and possibly with differnet shapes and sizes. In this case, separate them out into separate rows instead(so, one page number per row).

The size column (the 4th column) is a fragment size descriptor, like "1", "1/10", "1/12", "1/15", "1/16", "1/18", "1/2", "1/24", "1/3", "1/4", "1/5", "1/6", "1/7", "1/8", "1/9", "11/24", "2/3", "2/9", "3/16", "3/4", "3/5", "3/8", "4/9", "5/12", "5/18", "5/6", "5/8", "5/9", "7/12", "7/8", "9/10", "9/16".

The shape column (the 5th column) is a fragment shape descriptor, like "full", "vertical", "l-shape", "horizontal", or "square".

example CSV file

identifer,text,page numbers,size,shape
ad-1,Adidas Giveaway,3;6
ad-2,Casio G-Shock,,vertical
ad-3,Nitto Handlebars,Back,1/4,l-shape
identifertextpage numberssizeshape
ad-1Adidas Giveaway3;6
ad-2Casio G-Shockvertical
ad-3Nitto HandlebarsBack1/4L-shape


Take a look here at a video demonstrating importing and placing content.